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  • Libidopower 4-pack

  • Product description
    Libidopower is THE libido enhancing product for men and women. The natural ingredients of Libidopower work very quickly and are very powerful. Apart from boosting the libido, Libidopower also boosts the endurance and sexual performance so you can have the ultimate sexual experience!

    Maca-Extract (Lepidium Meyenii), Guarana-Extract (Paullinia Cupana), Kola Nut-Extract (Cola Nitida), Muira Puama-Extract (Ptychopetalum Olacoides), Taurine, Ginkgo Biloba-Extract, L-Arginine, Vitamin B3, Zinc, E132, E341, E460, E464, E468, E551, E570, E572.

    Recommended dosage
    1 dose consists of 2 tablets and should be taken at least 1 hour before sexual activity. It is preferable not to take the tablets on a full stomach. The recommended daily intake should not be exceeded.

    Target group
    Men and women (18+)


    Box with blister of 4 tablets

    3.4 grams